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Discover the power of vestibular testing

11 September 2020

Are you keen to learn more about the benefits of vestibular testing? We have gathered some content that will enhance your knowledge about vestibular testing using the videonystagmography technology and vHIT testing.

Are you considering a new VNG system for your balance clinic? We have launched a new version of our popular VisualEyes™ VNG system.

It combines the well-known VNG test battery with vHIT and new rotary chair options just to mention a few of the enhancements.


Oculomotor testing in neurology

We have interviewed neurologists Dr. Glen Zielinski and Dr. João Lemos, to learn how they use oculomotor testing in functional neurology and otoneurology, respectively.

Read interview with Dr. Zielinski

Read interview with Dr. Lemos


TRV Chair

Måns Magnusson, M.D., Professor at the Otorhinolaryngology Department at Lund University, has researched the applications of the TRV Chair since 2013. Interacoustics spoke with Professor Magnusson to learn the fruits of his research

Read interview with Professor Magnusson


Computerized dynamic posturography

Learn about computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) from its inventor, Lewis M. Nashner, Sc.D., whose career has brought him from MIT and NASA to developing and researching the application of CDP.

Read interview with Dr. Nashner


Central dizziness

Darren Whelan, BSc (Hons) MSc MRes, has investigated the application of videonystagmography (VNG) in dizzy patients with central nervous system involvement, and how VNG is superior to MRI when looking at eye movements.

Read his article here


The use of saccadometry in clinical practice

Saccadometry is an advanced ocular motor test that allows for the functional evaluation of the varied brain regions and circuits involved in the generation of fast, appropriate, purposeful, and accurate saccadic eye movements.

"One of the things that is really fantastic about it is that it gives you the opportunity to very precisely localize specific neurologic lesions within someone's system" - Dr. Glen Zielinski, DC, DACNB, FACN.

Learn more in An introduction to Saccadometry or watch the video below.


The ocular counter roll test

The eye movements that are mediated by the inner ear through the vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) are well-known and used in many clinical tests of vestibular function.

Learn more in What is the ocular counter roll (OCR) test?


Subjective visual vertical (SVV) testing

SVV is a test to assess the persons perception of verticality. The patient adjusts a luminous laser presented line to be parallel with true vertical in the absence of any other visual cues. This is done in the Orion Auto-Traverse Chair.

Learn more in Subjective visual vertical: A novel approach to otolith assessment


The concussed patient

Concussed patients are often referred to physical therapists for diagnosis and treatment. Saccadic systems are great for the objective measurements for diagnosis and treatment of concussed patients.


3 reasons to combine vHIT and VNG

Do you use both vHIT and VNG in your balance clinic? Or do you only use one of them? We give you three reasons why you should combine the two.

Learn more in 3 reasons why you should combine VNG and vHIT


Rotary chair testing

Rotary chairs are powerful tools when it comes to vestibular testing. VisualEyes™ includes the option to perform rotary chair testing with the Orion rotary chairs.

Learn more in An introduction to rotary chair testing


Vestibular testing in children

Did you know that 70% of children with sensorineural hearing losses also have a vestibular impairment? Infant hearing screenings allow us to diagnose hearing impairments at a very early age and these infants and small children bring unique testing challenges.

"We are also beginning to understand that vertigo and disequilibrium in children can also impact learning and memory and thus their performance in the classroom" - Sharon L. Cushing, MD MSc FRCSC.

Dr. Cushing gives her view on vestibular testing and children and which systems she uses.

Learn more in Vestibular testing in children

Charlotte Ellemose Sonne
Charlotte Ellemose Sonne is a Master of Linguistics and Communication (cand.ling.merc.), having graduated from Aarhus University in 2004. Before joining Interacoustics, Charlotte's working experience included, among other, a seven year stay at DONG Energy (now Ørsted) as a Language Specialist.

Published: 11 September 2020
Modified: 04 June 2024

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