CROS and BiCROS Fitting

16 February 2022
10 - 30 mins

This quick guide is intended to give a brief explanation on how to fit CROS and BiCROS type hearing aids. The instructions in this guide have been adapted from the methods stated by Hayes (2006) and Pumford (2005), links to these articles are provided at the bottom of this document.


The following points of instruction apply to the whole of this document and will aid understanding as to what is being measured in the different conditions:

  • The probe microphone is always placed in the aidable or normal hearing ear, never in the unaidable ear
  • The patient will move position so that the loudspeaker is within the range of -90⁰ through 0⁰ to +90⁰ relative to the front of the client at different stages in the procedure. Images have been used below to aid your understanding of this
  • The reference microphone is always located on the same side of the head as the loudspeaker


CROS hearing aids

The objective of this measurement is to make signals from the unaidable side of the head sound the same as signals from the side of the better or normal hearing ear.

Dedicated protocols have been created for optimum application of this test, please speak to your local distributor to get and import these for use.

  1.  Calibrate and insert both probe microphones.
  2. Measurement One: Measure the REUR/REUG of the best ear with the patient at 45⁰ or 90⁰ to the speaker.

    Note: The CROS system is not added to the ear at this point.

    Patient looking straight forward at a 0-degree angle. Right ear is labeled as the best ear. Two speakers at 45 degrees and 90 degrees are pointing toward the right ear.
    Run the ‘Better Ear REUR/REUG’ Measurement. This should lead to a curve similar to below. 
    Better Ear REUR/REUG measurement screen. Graph has dB SPL as a function of kHz. The curve hovers between 50-60 dB SPL in the 0.125-4 kHz range, after which it dips to lower intensities in the higher frequencies.
    Note: Make sure that if you run your first condition at 45⁰ then the second condition should be at -45⁰. This is also required for measurements run at 90⁰. If this isn’t done then the measurement curves are not comparable. 

  3. Measurement Two: Move the patient so that the loudspeaker and reference microphone are to the side of the unaidable ear (-45⁰ or -90⁰ relative to the poorer ear). Add the CROS system to your patients’ ear and turn it on. You must also enable the CROS setting in your Affinity2.0/Equinox2.0 or Callisto™ Suite (shown in the image below).

    Note: You do not need to swap earside in order to perform this measurement, all measurements are performed to the same earside from the first measurement.

    Run the ‘CROS Response’ measurement.
    Patient looking straight forward at a 0-degree angle. Left ear is labeled as the poorer ear. Two speakers at minus 45 degrees and minus 90 degrees are pointing toward the left ear.
    The CROS Setting is available in the following location of your Suite.
    Second row of icons below current session tab. The CROS icon looks like an ear fitted with a hearing aid.
    This measurement should lead to a curve similar to the below.
    CROS Response measurement screen. Graph has dB SPL as a function of kHz. It shows the better ear REUR/REUG curve in faded red, while the CROS response curve is in bolded red. The better ear REUR/REUG curve hovers between 50-60 dB SPL in the 0.125-4 kHz range, after which it dips to lower intensities in the higher frequencies. The CROS response follows a similar pattern, but at slightly higher intensities in frequencies up to 2 kHz.
  4. You now need to adjust your CROS system until the REAR/REIG from the second measurement overlaps the REUR/REUG from the first measurement. Imagine the first measurement to be your target in this scenario.

    Note: Probe microphone measurements cannot be applied to transcranial/bone-anchored CROS fittings


BiCROS hearing aids

The objective of this test is similar to what has been shown above, however there is a hearing aid on the better ear for which we need to take consideration for.

The same dedicated protocol as used in the CROS instructions above is used for optimum application of this test, please speak to your local distributor to get and import these for use.

  1. Ensure you have already Fitted the hearing aid without the CROS features enabled to a suitable algorithm based on the patients’ scenario (i.e. NAL-NL1, NAL-NL2 or DSL).
  2. Calibrate and insert both probe microphones.
  3. Measurement One: Measure the REUR/REUG of the best ear with the patient at 45⁰ or 90⁰ to the speaker. Remember to ensure the hearing aid is inserted and enabled in this scenario.
    Patient looking straight forward at a 0-degree angle. Right ear is labeled as the best ear. Two speakers at 45 degrees and 90 degrees are pointing toward the right ear.
    Run the ‘Better Ear REUR/REUG’ Measurement. This should lead to a curve similar to below
    Better Ear REUR/REUG measurement screen. Graph has dB SPL as a function of kHz. The curve hovers between 50-70 dB SPL in the 0.125-4 kHz range, after which it dips to lower intensities in the higher frequencies.
    Note: Make sure that if you run your first condition at 45⁰ then the second condition should also be at 45⁰. This is also required for measurements run at 90⁰. If this isn’t done then the measurement curves are not comparable

  4. Measurement Two: Move the patient so that the loudspeaker and reference microphone are to the side of the unaidable ear (-45⁰ or -90⁰ relative to the poorer ear). Enable the CROS system and the CROS setting in your Affinity2.0/Equinox2.0 or Callisto™ Suite.

    Note: You do not need to swap earside in order to perform this measurement, all measurements are performed to the same earside from the first measurement.

    Run the ‘CROS Response’ Measurement
    Patient looking straight forward at a 0-degree angle. Left ear is labeled as the poorer ear. Two speakers at minus 45 degrees and minus 90 degrees are pointing toward the left ear.

    The CROS Setting is available in the following location of your Suite
    Second row of icons below current session tab. The CROS icon looks like an ear fitted with a hearing aid.
    This measurement should lead to a curve similar to the below. 
    CROS Response measurement screen. Graph has dB SPL as a function of kHz. It shows the better ear REUR/REUG curve in faded red, while the CROS response curve is in bolded red. The better ear REUR/REUG curve hovers between 50-70 dB SPL in the 0.125-4 kHz range, after which it dips to lower intensities in the higher frequencies. The CROS response follows a similar pattern, but at slightly higher intensities in the low frequencies after which it dips below the better ear REUR/REUG curve in the high frequencies.
  5. You now need to adjust your CROS system until the REAR/REIG from the second measurementoverlaps the REUR/REUG from the first measurement. Imagine the first measurement to be your target in this scenario.

    Note: Probe microphone measurements cannot be applied to transcranial/bone-anchored CROS fittings


Further reading

For more information on this topic then please see the following articles:

Hayes, D. (2006). A Practical Guide to CROS/BiCROS Fittings. [online] Audiology Online. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017].

Pumford, J. (2005). Benefits of probe-mic measures with CROS/BiCROS fittings. The Hearing Journal, [online]58(10), p.34. Available at: Benefits-of-probe-mic-measures-with-CROS-BiCROS-fittings.pdf [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017].



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