Cortical Evaluations Without a Loudspeaker

10 mins
16 December 2021


Is there a way to do cortical evaluations without a loudspeaker?

The Eclipse can accept external triggering so this is an avenue you could pursue i.e. provide acoustic stimulation via the direct audio input and simultaneously trigger the Eclipse. Usually the triggering is associated with eABR and eALR (direct input to a cochlear implant electrode array) and so the Eclipse software has some pre-loaded protocols for these applications but there’s no particular reason you couldn’t use/adapt them to suit a direct input to a hearing aid or other device too.

The details of the triggering signal are provided in the “Additional Information – Eclipse” handbook.


Michael Maslin
After working for several years as an audiologist in the UK, Michael completed his Ph.D. in 2010 at The University of Manchester. The topic was plasticity of the human binaural auditory system. He then completed a 3-year post-doctoral research program that built directly on the underpinning work carried out during his Ph.D. In 2015, Michael joined the Interacoustics Academy, offering training and education in audiological and vestibular diagnostics worldwide. Michael now works for the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, exploring his research interests which include electrophysiological measurement of the central auditory system, and the development of clinical protocols and clinical techniques applied in areas such as paediatric audiology and vestibular assessment and management.

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