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Little boy pointing at computer screen with animated lion

Interacoustics announce VRA Screen

10 May 2021
In May 2021, Interacoustics could reveal its second visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) solution: VRA Screen. This is a ...
Male clinician and male patient looking at saccadometry software display on computer screen

Central dizziness in VNG assessments

12 April 2021
Often when considering our options for examining central changes in VNG, the question comes of why we should look at this ...
Female physical therapist performing dynamic visual acuity test on male patient

Vestibular function testing during head movement

15 March 2021
Functional assessments can be a useful measurement of vestibular performance during head movement. They can reveal why th...
Male patient performing subjective visual vertical test in rotary chair

How to test otolith function

23 February 2021
For many years, we have used the term ‘vestibular function testing’ with the implication that we are testing the entire ve...
Female physical therapist performing advanced Dix-Hallpike test on male patient

2 ways to improve posterior canal BPPV diagnosis

15 February 2021
It can often be very difficult to diagnose posterior canal BPPV when relying on two-dimensional graphs that only show hori...

From NASA to computerized dynamic posturography (CDP)

14 December 2020
What is computerized dynamic posturography (CDP)? Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) is a scientific framework for ...
Woman in TRV Chair wearing VNG goggles

The utility of the TRV Chair in BPPV patients

07 December 2020
The TRV Chair lends itself toward the diagnosis and treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), which is one...
Man wearing VNG goggles

Video-oculography in neurological patients

23 November 2020
Dr. João Lemos, Neurologist and Neuro-Ophthalmologist, sees a broad range of neurological patients and has done so for 15 ...
Glen Zielinski pointing at eye images in VNG software

Oculomotor testing in functional neurology

16 November 2020
According to Dr. Glen Zielinski, DC, DACNB, FACFN, oculomotor testing is by far the most effective means to quantify the f...

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Interacoustics - hearing and balance diagnosis and rehabilitation
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