Training in Wideband Tympanometry

The role of wideband tympanometry in pediatric hearing assessment

10 mins
07 February 2022


Summary of: Hunter, L. L., Prieve, B. A., Kei, J., & Sanford, C. A. (2013). Pediatric applications of wideband acoustic immittance measuresEar and hearing34 Suppl 1, 36S–42S.

Measures of wideband tympanometry (WBT) improves outcomes in newborn screening programs and diagnostic predictions for middle-ear pathologies in children and infants. This article reviews the literature on WBT and draws comparisons to standard audiologic tests, i.e., otoacoustic emissions (OAE), conventional tympanometry, auditory brainstem responses (ABR), and otoscopy, as a predictor of middle ear status. In general, WBT, which encompasses reflectance, absorbance, wideband tympanometry, and wideband acoustic reflexes, performs at least as well and often better than conventional tympanometry as a predictor of conductive hearing loss or middle-ear pathology. In addition, WBT provides valuable information regarding the type of hearing loss when when combined with ABR and OAE tests and holds potential as a valuable tool for newborn hearing screening programs and pediatric diagnostics. The Titan provides a comprehensive battery of tests that include conventional and wideband tympanometry, OAEs, and screening ABRs making it a powerful diagnostic tool that can provide value in a variety of clinical settings.


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