Training in ABR

Course: An Introduction to the CE-Chirp®

This course provides an introduction to the CE-Chirp® stimulus family, which is found in the Interacoustics Eclipse and Titan platforms.
30 - 60 mins
16 December 2021


Learning Objectives

  • Understand how the cochlear time delay and basilar membrane travelling wave affect neural synchrony
  • Understand how the CE-Chirp® overcomes the cochlear time delay in order to deliver synchronised neural firing
  • Explore how the CE-Chirp® family of stimuli has evolved over time to include level and frequency specific stimuli


Jim Schilling
Jim Schilling was CEO & President of Medical Technologies for over 30 years before joining the Interacoustics Academy as Product Applications Manager. He continues to support the audiological medical devices industry as a consultant.

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