Training in ABR

Development of the CE-Chirp® stimulus

10 mins
07 February 2022


Summary of: Elberling, C., & Don, M. (2010). A direct approach for the design of chirp stimuli used for the recording of auditory brainstem responsesThe Journal of the Acoustical Society of America128(5), 2955–2964.

This paper describes a novel approach to find the delay for each frequency component in order to design a family of chirps that optimally synchronizes all response components from across the cochlea (or brainstem) at all levels of stimulation. ABR latencies in response to octave-band chirp stimuli are collected from 48 normal-hearing adults and are used to formulate a latency-frequency model as a function of stimulus level. The delay compensations of the proposed model are similar to those found in the experimental studies described by Elderling et al (2010a) and Cebulla et al (2010).

Related course: An Introduction to the CE-Chirp®


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