OtoAccess® API

Interfacing made easy
Explore OtoAccess® API features

What is OtoAccess® API?

OtoAccess® API is an application programming interface (API) that allows electronic medical record (EMR) system suppliers, or electronic health record (EHR) system suppliers, to interact with Interacoustics solutions in a safe and well-defined interface. By utilizing OtoAccess® API, EMR providers can create optimal workflows for clinicians using their system.

How does OtoAccess® API work?

When you open your EMR system, it will know which Interacoustics solutions are available and present these as options for you to use in the user interface of your EMR system. When you choose a patient and test method, the test results will automatically be saved in your EMR system. This reduces the amount of time you spend transferring result data.

When is OtoAccess® API beneficial for you?

If you operate Interacoustics equipment while using a different database than OtoAccess® Database, OtoAccess® API is ideal for you and your database supplier. Once implemented, it allows you to work in your familiar user interfaces from Interacoustics, while automating the data exchange with your EMR database. This provides a less time-consuming process when getting a piece of data from one system to the other.

How is OtoAccess® API implemented?

OtoAccess® API is implemented by your EMR provider as a web API, running as a Windows® Service. It is a REST API, also known as a RESTful API. REST stands for representational state transfer, which is an API architectural style. This is well-documented and easily accessed for your database developer to implement. Once implemented, it will work for all Interacoustics solutions and will require little-to-no work to include future Interacoustics solutions.

How do you get started with OtoAccess® API?

Your EMR provider must enter into an OtoAccess® API usage agreement. They must contact your Interacoustics sales office or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to apply for an agreement and the OtoAccess® API software package.

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